Arrays versus ArrayLists – Collections, Part I: ArrayList

12.8 Arrays versus ArrayLists

Table 12.1 summarizes the differences between arrays and ArrayLists.

Table 12.1 Summary of Arrays versus ArrayLists

Construct supportBuilt into the language.Provided by the generic class ArrayList<E>.
Initial length/size specificationLength is specified in the array construction expression directly or indirectly by the initialization block.Cannot specify the size at construction time. However, initial capacity can be specified.
Length/sizeThe length of an array is static (fixed) once it is created.
Each array has a public final int field called length.
(The String and the StringBuilder class provide the method length() for this purpose.)
Both size and capacity can change dynamically.
ArrayList<E> provides the method size() to obtain the current size of the list.
Element typePrimitive and reference types.Only reference types.
Operations on elementsAn element in the array is designated by the array name and an index using the [] operator, and can be used as a simple variable.The ArrayList<E> class provides various methods to add, insert, replace, retrieve, and remove elements from a list.
IteratorArrays do not provide an iterator, apart from using the for(:) loop for traversal.The ArrayList<E> class provides customized iterators for lists, in addition to the for(:) loop for iterating over the elements (§15.2, p. 791).
GenericsCannot create arrays of generic types using the new operator. Runtime check required for storage at runtime.ArrayList<E> is a generic type.
Can create parameterized ArrayLists of reference types using the new operator.
No runtime check required for storage at runtime, as type-safety is checked at compile time.
Subtype relationshipSubtype relationship between two reference types implies subtype relationship between arrays of the two types—that is, element subtype relationship implies array subtype relationship.Subtype relationship between two reference types does not imply covariance relationship between ArrayLists of the two types—that is, element subtype relationship does not imply list subtype relationship.
java.util.Arrays.sort(array), comparator)
(§15.12, p. 864)
java.util.Collections.sort(list, comparator)
(§15.11, p. 856)
Text representationjava.util.Arrays.toString(array)list.toString()

Example 12.1 is a collection of code snippets used throughout this chapter to illustrate the various methods of the ArrayList<E> class.

Example 12.1 Using an ArrayList

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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static java.lang.System.out;
public class ArrayListMethods {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String[] wordArray = { “level”, “Ada”, “kayak”, “Bob”, “Rotator”, “Bob” };
    out.println(“(1) Create an empty list of strings:”);
    List<String> strList = new ArrayList<>();
    out.println(“\n(2) Add elements to list:”);
    for (String str : wordArray) {
    out.println(“Insert an element at index 2 in the list:”);
    strList.add(2, “Java”);
    out.println(“\n(3) Replace the element at index 1:”);
    String oldElement = strList.set(1, “Naan”);
    out.println(“Element that was replaced: ” + oldElement);
    out.println(“\n(4) Remove the element at index 0:”);
    out.println(“Element removed: ” + strList.remove(0));
    out.println(“\n(5) Remove the first occurrence of \”Java\”:”);
    out.println(“Element removed: ” + strList.remove(“Java”));
    out.println(“\n(6) Determine the size of the list:”);
    out.println(“The size of the list is ” + strList.size());
    out.println(“\n(7) Determine if the list is empty:”);
    boolean result = strList.isEmpty();
    out.println(“The list ” + (result ? “is” : “is not”) + ” empty.”);
    out.println(“\n(8) Get the element at specific index:”);
    out.println(“First element: ” + strList.get(0));
    out.println(“Last element: ” + strList.get(strList.size() – 1));
    out.println(“\n(9) Compare two lists:”);
    List<String> strList2 = new ArrayList<>(strList);
    boolean trueOrFalse = strList.equals(strList2);
    out.println(“The lists strList and strList2 are”
        + (trueOrFalse ? “” : ” not”) + ” equal.”);
    trueOrFalse = strList.equals(strList2);
    out.println(“The lists strList and strList2 are”
        + (trueOrFalse ? “” : ” not”) + ” equal.”);
    out.println(“\n(10) Sublists as views:”);
    out.println(“Underlying list: ” + strList); // [Naan, kayak, Bob, Rotator, Bob]
    List<String> strList3 = strList.subList(1, 4);
    out.println(“Sublist before remove: ” + strList3);    // [kayak, Bob, Rotator]
    out.println(“Remove: ” + strList3.get(0));  // “kayak”
    strList3.remove(0);                         // Remove element at index 0
    out.println(“Sublist after remove: ” + strList3);     // [Bob, Rotator]
    out.println(“Underlying list: ” + strList); // [Naan, Bob, Rotator, Bob]
    out.println(“\n(11) Membership test:”);
    boolean found = strList.contains(“Naan”);
    String msg = found ? “contains” : “does not contain”;
    out.println(“The list ” + msg + ” the string \”Naan\”.”);
    out.println(“\n(12) Find the index of an element:”);
    int pos = strList.indexOf(“Bob”);
    out.println(“The index of string \”Bob\” is: ” + pos);
    pos = strList.indexOf(“BOB”);
    out.println(“The index of string \”BOB\” is: ” + pos);
    pos = strList.lastIndexOf(“Bob”);
    out.println(“The last index of string \”Bob\” is: ” + pos);
    out.println(“\n(13) Iterating over the list using the for(;;) loop:”);
    for (int i = 0; i < strList.size(); i++) {
      out.print(i + “:” + strList.get(i) + ” “);
    out.println(“\n(14) Iterating over the list using the for(:) loop:”);
    for (String str : strList) {
      out.print(str +  ” “);
      // strList.remove(str);        // Throws ConcurrentModificationException.
    out.println(“\n(15) Convert list to array:”);
    Object[] objArray = strList.toArray();
    out.println(“Object[] length: ” + objArray.length);
    out.print(“Length of each string in the Object array: “);
    for (Object obj : objArray) {
      String str = (String) obj; // Cast required.
      out.print(str.length() + ” “);
    String[] strArray = strList.toArray(new String[0]);
    out.println(“String[] length: ” + strArray.length);
    out.print(“Length of each string in the String array: “);
    for (String str : strArray) {
      out.print(str.length() + ” “);
   * Print the elements of a list, together with their index:
   * [0:value0, 1:value1, …]
   * @param list   List to print with index
  public static <E> void printListWithIndex(List<E> list) {            // (16)
    List<String> newList = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
      newList.add(i + “:” + list.get(i));

Output from the program:

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(1) Create an empty list of strings:
(2) Add elements to list:
[0:level, 1:Ada]
[0:level, 1:Ada, 2:kayak]
[0:level, 1:Ada, 2:kayak, 3:Bob]
[0:level, 1:Ada, 2:kayak, 3:Bob, 4:Rotator]
[0:level, 1:Ada, 2:kayak, 3:Bob, 4:Rotator, 5:Bob]
Insert an element at index 2 in the list:
[0:level, 1:Ada, 2:Java, 3:kayak, 4:Bob, 5:Rotator, 6:Bob]
(3) Replace the element at index 1:
Element that was replaced: Ada
[0:level, 1:Naan, 2:Java, 3:kayak, 4:Bob, 5:Rotator, 6:Bob]
(4) Remove the element at index 0:
Element removed: level
[0:Naan, 1:Java, 2:kayak, 3:Bob, 4:Rotator, 5:Bob]
(5) Remove the first occurrence of “Java”:
Element removed: true
[0:Naan, 1:kayak, 2:Bob, 3:Rotator, 4:Bob]
(6) Determine the size of the list:
The size of the list is 5
(7) Determine if the list is empty:
The list is not empty.
(8) Get the element at specific index:
First element: Naan
Last element: Bob
(9) Compare two lists:
The lists strList and strList2 are equal.
[0:Naan, 1:kayak, 2:Bob, 3:Rotator, 4:Bob, 5:null]
The lists strList and strList2 are not equal.
(10) Sublists as views:
Underlying list: [Naan, kayak, Bob, Rotator, Bob]
Sublist before remove: [kayak, Bob, Rotator]
Remove: kayak
Sublist after remove: [Bob, Rotator]
Underlying list: [Naan, Bob, Rotator, Bob]
(11) Membership test:
The list contains the string “Naan”.
(12) Find the index of an element:
The index of string “Bob” is: 1
The index of string “BOB” is: -1
The last index of string “Bob” is: 3
[0:Naan, 1:Bob, 2:Rotator, 3:Bob]
(13) Iterating over the list using the for(;;) loop:
0:Naan 1:Bob 2:Rotator 3:Bob
(14) Iterating over the list using the for(:) loop:
Naan Bob Rotator Bob
(15) Convert list to array:
Object[] length: 4
Length of each string in the Object array: 4 3 7 3
String[] length: 4
Length of each string in the String array: 4 3 7 3


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