Primitive Values and ArrayLists – Collections, Part I: ArrayList

Primitive Values and ArrayLists

Since primitive values cannot be stored in an ArrayList<E>, we can use the wrapper classes to box such values first. In the following code, we create a list of Integer in which the int values are autoboxed in Integer objects and then added to the list. We try to delete the element with value 1, but end up deleting the element at index 1 instead (i.e, the value 20).

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List<Integer> intList = new ArrayList<>();
intList.add(10); intList.add(20); intList.add(1);
System.out.println(intList);                                  // [10, 20, 1]
System.out.println(“Element to be removed: ” + 1);            // 1
System.out.println(“Element removed: ” + intList.remove(1));  // 20
System.out.println(intList);                                  // [10, 1]

The method call


has the signature


This signature matches the overloaded method that removes the element at a specified index, so it is this method that is called at runtime. We say that this method is the most specific in this case. For the code to work as intended, the primitive value must be explicitly boxed.

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System.out.println(intList);                                  // [10, 20, 1]
System.out.println(“Element to be removed: ” + 1);                        // 1
System.out.println(“Element removed: ” +
                   intList.remove(Integer.valueOf(1)));       // true
System.out.println(intList);                                  // [10, 20]

The method call

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has the signature


This call matches the overloaded remove(Object) method, since an Integer object can be passed to an Object parameter. This method is the most specific in this case, and is executed.

12.4 Querying an ArrayList<E>

A summary of useful methods that can be used to query a list is provided below.

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int size()                                           

Returns the number of elements currently in the list. In a non-empty list, the first element is at index 0 and the last element is at size()-1.

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boolean isEmpty()                                   

Determines whether the list is empty (i.e., whether its size is 0).

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E get(int index)                                    

Returns the element at the specified positional index. The method throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= size()).

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boolean contains(Object element)                    

Determines whether the argument object is contained in the collection, using object value equality. This is called the membership test.

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int indexOf(Object o)                                
int lastIndexOf(Object o)                            

Return the indices of the first and last occurrences of the element that are equal (using object value equality) to the specified argument, respectively, if such an element exists in the list; otherwise, the value –1 is returned. These methods provide element search in the list.

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List<E> subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex)         

Returns a view of the list, which consists of the sublist of the elements from the index fromIndex to the index toIndex-1 (i.e., a half-open interval). A view allows the range it represents in the underlying list to be manipulated. Any changes in the view are reflected in the underlying list, and vice versa. Views can be used to perform operations on specific ranges of a list.

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boolean equals(Object o)                            

Compares the specified object with this list for object value equality. It returns true if and only if the specified object is also a list, both lists have the same size, and all corresponding pairs of elements in the two lists are equal according to object value equality.

The method size() returns the number of elements in the list, and the method empty() determines whether the list is empty.

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// [Naan, kayak, Bob, Rotator, Bob]
System.out.println(“The size of the list is ” + strList.size());          // 5
boolean result = strList.isEmpty();
System.out.println(“The list ” + (result ? “is” : “is not”) + ” empty.”); // false

The method get(int) retrieves the element at the specified index.

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// [Naan, kayak, Bob, Rotator, Bob]
System.out.println(“First element: ” + strList.get(0);                 // Naan
System.out.println(“Last element: ” + strList.get(strList.size()-1));  // Bob

The equals() method of the ArrayList class can be used to compare two lists for equality with regard to size and corresponding elements being equal in each list.

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List<String> strList2 = new ArrayList<>(strList);
boolean trueOrFalse = strList.equals(strList2);                        // true

The method subList() returns a view of a list—that is, a sublist of the list. As the view is backed by the underlying list, operations on the sublist will be reflected in the underlying list, as demonstrated by the following code:

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out.println(“Underlying list: ” + strList); // [Naan, kayak, Bob, Rotator, Bob]
List<String> strList3 = strList.subList(1, 4);
out.println(“Sublist before remove: ” + strList3);    // [kayak, Bob, Rotator]
out.println(“Remove: ” + strList3.get(0));  // “kayak”
strList3.remove(0);                         // Remove element at index 0
out.println(“Sublist after remove: ” + strList3);     // [Bob, Rotator]
out.println(“Underlying list: ” + strList); // [Naan, Bob, Rotator, Bob]

The membership test is carried out by the contains(Object) method. We can find the index of a specified element in the list by using the indexOf() and lastIndexOf() methods.

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boolean found = strList.contains(“Naan”);     // true
int index = strList.indexOf(“Bob”);           // 2
index = strList.indexOf(“BOB”);               // -1 (Not found)
index = strList.lastIndexOf(“Bob”);           // 4 (Last occurrence)

Again, these methods require that the element type provide a meaningful equals() method for object value equality testing.


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